People Ops Manager
Wyatt is fairly new to People Ops, but has already made a huge impact in his two years working for a small, remote business. Wyatt’s first career was working as an oncology nurse for 4 years in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. He started his People Ops career while working remotely in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for a year.
His love for helping people made for a natural progression into the People Ops space. He had the opportunity to build the entire People Ops framework from scratch for a sales tax consulting company. He has experience in hiring and recruiting, onboarding, policy writing, state compliance, People initiatives, employee engagement - honestly, a little bit of everything that a growing business needs!
Wyatt not only worked with employees in 12 U.S. states, but also in the Philippines. He is most passionate about creating connections and fostering company-wide inclusion amongst teammates across the globe.
Wyatt is excited to be the culture chameleon within your organization and help in any way that you need.Wyatt now lives in Denver, Colorado. You’re most likely to find him running with his dog, biking around town, hiking in the mountains, or doing a downward dog in a yoga class.